New quarter editions
When 24 units is just too much One of the schools using The Fluency Course got in touch with me earlier in the year and asked if we could make shorter versions of our textbooks. Their reason was that they were finding it difficult to get through a full book, and also because they wanted […]
Selling JHS Classes to Students and Parents
Essential in my experience When we started running our Academy classes for junior and senior high school students, we had a few teething problems. The most important of these was that our students and parents did not know the classes existed, and did not understand how the classes could help them. We had an awareness […]
Buying the B Books

It’s that time of year again We ordered our B textbooks in mid-September, setting the delivery date to September 26th. Books arrived last week, we labeled them, and started handing them out in class yesterday. Students were a bit surprised to get another textbook…
B Book Slides

The slides for the B books are now live on the 1b resources, 2b resources, and 3b resources pages. We have changed them to Google Slides from the original PPT files. Please make a copy and save them on your account so that you can edit them. I recommend modifying the slides to fit your […]
Q&A variations for the Fluency Course

An essential part of the course -don’t skip this! The question practice is especially important for Fluency Course 1 and 2, and from speaking to teachers I can see that some people are not quite understanding how it works and how they can do it effectively. The Q&A activity (we do it at the start […]
The hardest FC1 class so far
It’s a struggle but so far so good This year I am taking the JHS 1 classes at my wife’s school. Four classes this year (we prefer larger classes so rather than five medium sized classes we chose to open classes on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday and not have a Thursday class). Somewhat unusually […]
Level One Verb Answer Sheets Minor Upgrade
Now in more than one colour We made a slight change to the verb answer sheets for Textbook 1A this week. Until now, the sheets for 1A and 1B were the same colour, which made it difficult to tell them apart. To fix this, we have changed the 1A verb answer sheets to green while […]
Edits, Editions, and Price of the Fluency Course
Changes going forward Thanks for your support of the Fluency Course! I hope you are enjoying using it with your students. There have been a number of developments I would like to share with you. First, in terms of edits and changes to the books. UNEXPECTED PROBLEMS Until now we have operated on a kaizen […]
b books
Summer 2022 Editions The B books were published a few weeks ago and all the online materials have now been updated to match the books. The Teacher Copy books got a big upgrade with new covers! I think they look pretty spiffy, even if I say so myself 🙂 We started the B books with […]
Level Two upgrades
Our teachers have come up with three improvements to the current Level Two lessons (Textbook 2A). We will be adding these to the textbooks from 2023, but they will be in the updated Textbook 2B materials (lesson slides and downloads) available on this site from September. Dictation The first improvement is to add a dictation […]